Monday, July 21, 2008


We are Broken. Not kind of broken-we are very very broken. I should have known something was very wrong when Dr. Z called me at home on a Sunday night. I thought maybe he had a preop question....but then I realized he called me from his heart was racing.

He had the results from Mike's SA and wanted to tell me before my lap. There was nothing. No Sperm. I didn't know what to say-what to do-how was I going to tell Mike? I just said What? Are you sure? He said they checked the sample 3 times and found nothing. None that were even dead. He apologized over and over again.

I decided to cancel my lap because of it. Originally we thought we were dealing with endo and that was it. So he wanted to do a lap and HSG to clear my tubes. However, since we obviously have a severe MFI problem he said it was still up to me on whether or not i wanted to have it...but because of the MF if I wanted to treat the pain i was having with medication and have an ultrasound when I O to see the tubes and any cysts-he was more than willing to go that option. Obviously it is far less invasive.

We cried and cried and cried somemore last night. We can't have kids. I say that in my head as I type it and it still doesn't seem real. But it is....Mike and I will never have biological children of our own. It utterly and completely breaks my heart that i will never feel the kicks of my baby inside me. I will never have the thrill of calling my family from the hospital saying we had a boy or girl. I will never have an ultrasound and see my baby on the screen sucking his or her thumb....I feel like part of me has died. A part that I have never met before.

Mike is taking it really really hard. I would trade spots with him in a second if I could, but he told me he wouldn't-even if he could. He feels awful...he kept apologizing last night-like it was his fault. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!!! I kept telling him that...but its going to take time for him to realize that. There is NO ONE to blame for this-although I would love to lay blame on someone for this! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!! IT'S SO NOT FAIR that we have to go through this!!!!

I didn't go to work even though I didn't have my lap. Mike and I needed a day to spend together and just kind of let it all sink in. I don't know what I'm going to tell my boss tomorrow when she realizes that I didn't have the surgery. I don't even care right now. I just care about Mike and I and getting through all of this. Its going to be so hard to do....we've got a long road ahead of us...but we agreed last night-God has his plans for us. And we just need to pray for acceptance of what those are. And strength to accept whatever they are. Regardless.....we are devestated today. Tomorrow is a new day and we'll deal with tomorrow when it gets here-but today-we grieve for the baby that we will never have.


Barbara said...

I am sad beyond words for you both. You don't know me but I'm Maydaygirls mom. I can only say I WILL pray for you. I wish there was more...

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just came across your blog through MayDayGirl, Rachel. Even though I do not know you, I KNOW EXACTLY, if not close to how you feel. You see my husband and I just went through the same thing over a year ago. Actually Feb. 07. My OBGYN called me to give me his results and we were both devastated. I had never seen my husband so disappointed, angry and guilty. I like you wanted to trade places with him. Nothing I said made him feel better. It is totally a different ball game between MFI and us. There are options though. We have considered TESE and if positive then go through IVF w/ ICSI. Other options were sperm donations and/or adoption but after a lot of talking and research none of these options were right for us. We have seen Fertility Drs., urologists and acupuncturist. If you want to talk more in detail email me, I really do not mind sharing our journey with you. My email is mcsegura at earthlink dot net

God Bless both of you,

Lindsey said...

My heart is breaking for you. I can't even imagine what you are feeling. Lots of prayers will be going up for you and your husband.

barefootmommy said...

Hi there, I came here via Maydaygirls blog. I'm so sorry you've just gotten such devastating news. I don't know how hard it is having never been in that situation, but I can imagine it to be mind blowing. That said, I hope this encourages you... I have a close friend who tried to get pregnant for many, many years... I do not know exactly what their IF issues were, but I know they were also connected to severe MF issues. Eventually they decided to go the route of having a sperm donor after a few failed adoption attempts and other treatments failed. And I know that route is for everyone, but they are parents of beautiful twin toddlers now. She got to experience the kicks in her belly, the hospital experience, having visitors come and show off her babies to the world! And they are their babies just as if they never had the sperm donor. I know my friends husband sees these boys as his very own own.

barefootmommy said...

TYPO! I meant "that route is not for everyone", sorry...

Casey said...

Came over from MayDayGirl's blog. I'm so sorry. I know words cannot even begin to heal the hurt you have. You two will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Jill said...

I too came across your blog through MayDayGirl's blog and I just wanted to send you a huge hug through the blogosphere. I know what you are going through, I know how you are feeling and I feel for you! We've been trying for almost 23 months and I have my lap scheduled for Aug. 7th. I'm not looking forward to it, per say, but I'm hoping it gives us the results we are looking for!

I'll keep checking in on you and your journey! We can do this! We will do this!

Thinking of you...