Saturday, July 19, 2008

Preparing for my Lap

It's on Monday-I'm less than excited for it. I know how much pain I was in after I had my gall bladder out....I can only hope its not that bad.

Mike had his SA on Friday. I'm hoping we have results by Monday. Dr. Z said he would call the lab and he would tell us the results. So I'm hoping we can get them on Monday while I'm still at the hospital in recovery.

I've had a to do list written up so Mike can help me get somethings done before Monday. He's been so helpful! I've been a cleaning machine which is usally what I do when I get stressed out. So if anyone wants to see a clean house-now is the time to stop by. :)

Not sure what feelings I have for Monday. Usually I have a gut feeling when something is wrong...but I'm so indifferent about it. I think he will find something, just don't know how bad its going to be. I think I'm more anxious about Mike's SA than anything. At least I can be "fixed." If there is something wrong with Mike....we are put into a whole different rhelm of TTC.

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