Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A New Day

I woke up yesterday just bitter....it happens and I allow myself to have those days. Today-wasn't much better. I woke up angry and frustrated. And while it has nothing to do with us not being able to have a baby directly...it was just an added stress.

Today however....well since about 1:00 its a new day. And I feel so much better about my life....HOW? One may ask that...and the only thing I can say is that the power of prayer is a wonderful thing. I've been angry the past few days at a situation I'm in-Not IF related at all. But regardless-I've been angry and bitter. I asked God for peace...for strength-but most of all for peace of this situation. I just needed to be able to let this baggage go....and just say I can't change anything now-so there's no point in dwelling on it- but regardless it was hard for me to do that...and I really wanted to just move on...but again I was angry. This morning I sat at my desk and just bowed my head and prayed. I said the Lord's prayer and just asked God at the end for Peace.... That leads me to this part of my day.

Today at work we had a luncheon outside...it was a fundraising luncheon for an organization called the COLLEGE CARING FUND. Since I was asked to be on the committee I went and helped serve some food-I visited with other staff members and before I left I saw a fellow staff member that I was an acquaintance with. We have a mutual friend and I knew they had adopted a few months ago. She had the most beautiful baby girl with her. I went and talked to her and congratulated her....we talked for quite awhile-and eventually we started talking about adoption. I told her that Mike and I were planning on adopting in the future and we went from there...before I knew we were both crying about our IF issues...but it felt sooooo good to actually physically sit and talk with someone about it! And to see an end result felt...and such a GREAT RESULT was so amazing. They did 3 IUI's and had one failed adoption attempt....but now they have this beautiful baby girl. And they know it was all worth it.

That conversation today was the best thing for me! I need to send her a little baby gift and maybe something for her. She's was so amazing to talk to. And I hope to spend more time with her and her husband. They are such a young couple-our age...and to FINALLY meet someone that we can physically talk to and relate to-is such a blessing.....

That brings me to now. After that conversation I was at such peace with my life. I am happy for the first time in a long time...and I feel as though it can happen for us. I feel like this is just the beginning of so many great things for us. Of course we still have a ways to go...but in the mean time-I'm just going to go with it and see where God takes us.

Tomorrow is another day and I may feel upset again-and I've learned to let myself feel these ways...but I've also learned to offer these things up to the Lord. If I do....as I've seen so often in the past...he will take care of them. I have a new Bible Verse that has become my favorite. A dear friend of mine wrote it in a card..and I cherish it:

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

Erica said...


I know exactly how you feel. It's so dark when you are in the middle of the tunnel; when you can't see where you started at or where you are going to end up. Just hang in there. Pretty soon, you will be on your way to building your family through adoption...and then it'll only be a matter of WHEN, not IF.
