Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Dear Wonderful Loving Husband

I love Mike with my entire heart and soul. He is the 1 TRUE LOVE OF MY LIFE! I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else but him. Marriage is so wonderful like that...."TILL DEATH DO US PART" FOREVER!! I love knowing that! Forever seems so permanent-and I LOVE THAT!

Mike and I have had our fair share of rough times in our relationship. Our marriage in and of itself has been good...but Mike's life thus far has been anything but easy. I feel so blessed to grow up in the family that God Blessed me with. I know Mike has said over and over that he wishes his memories were as good as mine. His parents divorced when he was quite young. He was never very close with his dad, but for a few years they worked really hard to rebuild there relationship-and it was getting much better. But....His Dad died suddenly in a fire about 9 months after Mike got married. (almost 7 years ago)6 months later he was divorced. His relationship with his mom is stable-although he feels as though there is distance between them. He's not as close to her as he'd like to be.

Mike and I started dating...and dated for 4 years before we were married. He has always said that he found God again when he met me. He felt so alone and that he didn't know what to do with his life...God helped him through some of the toughest times in his life. And now-he's helping us through this. With that said...I will say this.

Mike is so strong for me. He's always there. Always someone for me to lean on for support in my job, in my everyday decisions, in EVERYTHING! I do the same for him....but Mike told me something last night that made me so sad...that he felt so alone. He feels like he is going through this alone. He knows he has me...but I'm his wife. There are times you need someone to talk to besides your spouse when it comes to things like this. He has friends-and many good friends....but some of those friends that he has told-just don't seem to get it. It's like..."hey that sucks" and then change of subject. And guys are different like that-but Mike is an emotional guy. He'll cry at a movie, and he'll cry when he's sad....don't get me wrong-he's about as manly as they come...but he can wear his emotions on his sleeve. Last night I just held him and he cried and cried. I felt so bad for him-because he feels so alone. He can only really talk to me about it...he needs someone to talk to. His brother doesn't get it...and just kinda blows it off like its not a big deal.

I just want to fix it all....I know we aren't meant to have biological children of our own...and we/I can deal with that...but I want to make him feel better-and healed emotionally. But I can't do that. I don't know how or what to do. He's my rock-and my strength...but I feel like I can't do the same for him. He knows I'm always here for him...but I just feel like I should be doing more-but I don't know what.

So for those of you that pray...we need prayers. For both of us-but especially Mike. He needs strength to get through this. Strength that no one but God can give him.

1 comment:

Jamee said...

Praise God for awesome husbands! I completely sympathize with you about handling husbands. It's been hard on MH as well and I've had to hold him many times while he's cried too and it is so hard! You and your husband will definitely be in my prayers! Feel free to email me anytime! My email is 517butterfly@gmail.com.