Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm Numb

That's the way I've been feeling the last few days and even into late last week. I mean I know I hurt in a lot of senses and I know why I hurt-but the last few days I've felt nothing. No pain, no sadness, no happiness...I'm just numb. I don't know how to feel right now. How should I be feeling? Sad, angry, confused, I have no idea, because I just feel numb to the world.

Don't know if thats normal...but its just how I this isn't going to be a long post of emotions...because I really don't have any.

1 comment:

Jamee said...

What you are feeling is completely normal so don't feel you have to rush to move past it. I went through that phase as well. (((hugs))) You are in my prayers!