Monday, August 18, 2008

I hate Days like Today

It's just a day. A day when I feel down, depressed, sad, angry, bitter, pissed off at the world and stressed. I know its just a day-and this day to shall pass, but I hate it. I hate that everyone around me seems to be pregnant. Although I know its not true-thats just how I feel today.

When I started this blog I never thought it would turn into a total IF blog. Did I suspect troubles yes-but I would have NEVER thought about this. So now as I sit here writing my 100th post...I realize how much my life has changed over the last few weeks. And how when I look into the future-I don't know what I see. I think about the financial stress this adoption is going to have on us-and our hopes of having a big family seems to be fading in front of me. I think about how this is going to be such a long process-but yet I'm not ready to fully jump start it and start the process because I'm so overwhelmed that I don't know where to even begin with it. UGH!! I just want to cry and scream at the same time!!

I don't even know what to do with myself today. I would love to go home and crawl into bed with my 2 dogs and watch TV for the entire day-take a few naps and just relax...unfortunately-thats not going to happen. So I guess I should try and be productive in one way or another.

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