Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"hail mary" Appt on Thursday

It will probably be the last appt. with the urologist unless Mike's SA comes back differently (highly unlikely) or the dr. wants to run more tests. Since we were completely up front and said that IVF wasn't an option for us it limits what he can do. Since in reality, based on what we've read, the chances of anything being reversed are so slim, we are thinking this will be the last appt. Who knows, miracles do happen and maybe there was some HUGE lab error-oh wouldn't that be one for the books, but again, we aren't holding out hope. We are even contemplating going to an adoption seminar this weekend. So it seems as though the realization that I will never physically carry a child is becoming more and more realistic. It still hurts, actually its gut wrenchingly painful, but we are dealing, a day at a time we are dealing.

But until Thursday-we are still thinking...Maybe....Maybe one day there will be a baby....our own biological baby. After Thursday-we will more than likely think something else...but until then-I at least have hope-not much hope-but some hope.


Kristi said...

Don't ever lose hope!! I know so many of us will be praying for your "miracle"!!


Marcie said...

There is always hope. Wishing you the family you dream of...

The adoption poem you posted a few posts down makes me cry every time.

Echloe said...

It is great that you have hope. It is a powerful thing. I'll be crossing my fingers for you guys.