Friday, November 28, 2008

A Good Day! :)

Surprisingly-even after the news we got on Tuesday...we really have had a good few days. Yesterday we went to Mike's aunt and uncles for Thankgiving. It was a good time....we came back and played a few games...and just enjoyed sometime with each other. We talked a lot...and really listened to what each other was saying. (Not that we don't any other time....but last night we both knew that there was a lot to talk about, and a lot of emotions going through our we both really listened.)

Today we spent together....taking the dogs to the park for a few hours, doing a bit of shopping, running some errands....and doing what every other couple does in a situation like ours.....Went shopping for baby stuff! :) Seriously! It was soooo fun! We went to a few places...looked at cribs, strollers, car seats, diapers, was fun-and it made things seem wow-we are actually adopting...and we are actually going to have a BABY!! I didn't know how I would feel once we got there-but we really did have a good time. Mike even picked out a toy-that he felt was a MUST have for the baby....a pair of plastic keys. :) Then I picked out something....a cover for a car seat....for the spring and summer months-to prevent bugs from biting or stinging the baby. (I know...nothing very fun...but hey-it was clearanced...and I'm practical. :)) Then we walked around for a bit longer....and just looked at all of the fun stuff that we get to buy. A bit overwhelming....but fun. :)

So was a good few days. We had a lot of fun...a lot of good quality time we were able to spend together-which was really nice. It seems like it had been forever since we were able to do that. Some people would say that what we did today-wasn't the smartest thing for us to do....but for us it felt right. We've known for a long time that we more than likely were never going to have a biological child of our own...but of course we were still hanging on to that hope...that maybe-maybe there would be a miracle. But obviously God has different plans for us. So we are accepting that...and just trying to move on...we know that days might not always be this good...but today was a good day-and I'm going to enjoy today and worry about tomorrow when it gets here.


E said...

Sounds like a great day!! We too always have that very small glimmer of hope that natural pregnancy could just happen, but it doesn't keep us from moving forward. Actually, I don't think about getting pregnant anymore, but stranger things have happened, you know? There's not a thing wrong with shopping for baby. With adoption, it WILL happen! It sounds like you guys have started the's not always going to be easy, but it's a process. You just have to take it day by day, as you're doing. I'm excited for you that your dream of parenthood will come true!

Erica said...

I am so glad that you two have had a good last couple of days. Thank God that you got the news at this time so you didn't have to rush back to work and had some time to decompress and spend time with each other. And your miracle is coming; just by a different delivery than you originally planned.

I know a lot of people say that you shouldn't do that (go buy baby stuff), but I think sometimes it's good for you. We occassionally do the same thing. It helps it feel real; like it's coming at some point. Now, obviously we don't buy tons of stuff because we don't want things to get out of date or anything, but I have bought some cute outfits that I just "had" to get and stuff like that. And I have them hanging up in the nursery. And it makes me feel good that we have enough confidence in the adoption and that our baby WILL come that we have stuff like that in our room. And I like seeing it. Of course, that's me....