Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dr. Appt's

Any woman knows that the that one appt. per year that she should "really" go about the farthest thing from fun that one can imagine. I felt like a freak parade...nurses, dr.'s medstudents....akward-to say the least....oh well..I guess I'm ok with being a learning experience to what will hopefully someday be a great dr. (And she really was nice-I will say that.)

But I degress.....I visited with Dr. Z at length about my pain....we talked about many different options, and after my exam he told me that he's no longer 100% convinced that I have endo. Excuse me?!!? Then what is going on? Am I just one of the lucky ones who has extremely painful periods and ovulation pains and cramping etc??? Not exactly...he's thinking PCOS...for the non medical minded....Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.....GREAT(insert sarcasm here)!! So I went in for lab work...and I swear I got lightheaded after they took the 8 viles of blood. Whew...that was A LOT of blood. But at least the tech was good-got it after the first bruising-barely felt a thing. So now I wait for all of those lab tests to come back.

When he was talking to me about PCOS.....everything he was describing was me a T. Every charachteristic, every symptom, everything! Scary business!! I'm not sure if I would be relieved or pissed if I find out I do have it. I mean-it would give me A LOT of answers....but it would also make me crabby that I will be taking medication for the rest of my life.

I'm getting pretty good at this waiting game. He's hoping that they results should be back within a week. So I wait...


Erica said...

My mom was poly-cystic and so is one of my best friends. I hope they are able to get you diagnosed soon so they can get you pain free. I know you are ready to at least have that resolved.

theworms said...

We are always waiting for something. I hope you get the results quickly. GL

btw - I gave you an award on my blog.

E said...

Ugh...well, the diagnosis would definitely be a big answer to a lot of your questions. I hope you get the results quickly. Good luck.