Saturday, February 14, 2009

PCOS Lucky Me

It's been a busy has been swamped, I've spent a lot of time doing a lot of random things that aren't typical in a week....but oh well...such is life.

My results FINALLY came in after I called the dr's office 2x. He said he was going to call me with the results....but instead he sent me a letter-which I'm a little upset about-but not much I can do.

Turns out-after all of this time and after all of the times I've talked with my OB/Gyn about my's not endo. It's PCOS. Thanksfully it's not the insulin resistant form-as of yet-but from the research I've done based on my fasting glucose levels-I'm wondering if it may turn into that over time. Turns out my LH hormone as well as my FSH hormone levels are way off. They are opposite levels of where they are supposed to be. He said that basically the only treatment one can do in my situation is hormone treatment. And at this time I'm not to convinced I want to go that route-but I know probably should. So next week I'll call and make an appt. and see what he recommends. Guess we'll see. Hormone treatments don't make me very excited. Esp. if it requires a shot....not to excited about that option.

So such is life.....guess now I have answers and can kind of change my diet, life accordingly...but it still sucks. regardless.


E said...

I'm sorry for the news. It does suck. But it is good that you have a definitive answer. How frustrating that your gyn didn't diagnose this before. Good luck at your next appointment.

Bella said...

Ugh, I'm sorry it took so long to get those results and that yor RE sent you a letter about them. That is pretty impersonal. Do you mind sharing what your FSH & LH are. I know quite a bit about FSH after my own diagnosis, so I'm just interested in it. Good luck with whatever you decide, sweetie!

WantWait&Pray said...

Hi there. A very good friend of mine struggled with PCOS for years (pretty severe PCOS too). In the last 5 months, she went on Atkins (the Dr recommended it), she continued Metformin and she did clomid + trigger to get pregnant. Month worked! BEST of luck!

Erica said...

Sorry you had to jump through so many hoops to get in touch with your doctor. I know that is frustrating. I'm glad that at least now your mystery has a name and you know exactly what it is that you are facing. I know horomone therapy is not a fun think to look at, but I've heard that they have made great advancements in that area. Either way, good luck and keep us posted.

Mrs H said...

I've just come across your blog. We've recently decided to adopt and I have PCOS. I have an appointment on monday to figure out a course of treatment.

best of luck with everything!