Friday, June 27, 2008


Miracles Do Happen...

Thats what I keep telling myself. My heart is truly breaking for "T" and her family. I was told when I walked into work on Wednesday morning that her husband had a massive heart attack on his way to working out. A paper boy found him, started CPR and was able to revive him along with EMT's. He was stablized air lifted to a hospital much more equipped to handle a cardiac case such as his....a trip that they didn't think he would survive-but he did. He was put on Life hopes that they could give his body time to rest and heal-and that he would come around. What they didn't know was how long he had been without oxygen. It could have been as long as 50 one knows. We were told it wasn't good...but there was a chance. Yesterday when I got to work they told us they had called family and friends together-He wasn't going to make it. My heart sank and then broke. I can't imagine what she is going through. 2 of the nicest people in the world should not have to go through this. And they both are-amazingly caring loving people. Wonderful parents, amazing friends, and the best co-workers anyone could ever ask for.
We got an update yesterday afternoon that they decided to keep him on life support for a few more days and to HOPE AND PRAY FOR A thats all we have been doing. Hoping and praying.
"T" is one co-worker that I have truly bonded with. She's such a mom about everything :) She's the one who brings cupcakes when its your birthday, she's the one who comes up to make sure your feeling ok when you were out sick the day before, the one who takes care of everyone. When we found out yesterday I immediately volunteered to go shopping for them for when they returned from the hospital. Before we knew that they were going to keep him on lifesupport for another few days. So God-forbid anything does happen-the staff here have been very generous and they will be set for all of the family and friends that are going to be stopping by the house to offer support. It's the least I can do...she takes care of's about time someone is able or can at least try to take care of her and her family.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm so sorry to hear that, will you keep us updated?