Sunday, April 6, 2008

Second Thoughts....

I don't know what has been going on in my life and mind the past few weeks. But things have changed.

I've been tossing back and forth in my mind about waiting to TTC again....I know-I know-I just can't make up my mind. But lately it just seems that we talk about the future and talk about things that we want to do-none of them include a baby. WHy? Is it because we don't expect to be PG by next year-or even have a baby by next year? Or is it becuase we just are enjoying us and being just us...I DON'T GET IT!! THere are some dayst that I long for a baby so badly. That I cry when I hear about other women that are pregnant while they haven't been trying or those who got accidentally pg while using birth control. THen there are days like today when I think-are we really ready for a baby? Are you ever really ready for a baby? My mind is just going in circles the past few days.

Maybe its just stress and maybe its just being used to it being Mike and I for the past 2 years that i really can't imagine another person part of our family...I don't know......I just wish I knew what my future holds....because I'm very confused.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I went through this the whole first year we were trying. Honestly You ARE enjoying your time together.. and that's GOOD! :-) You love your husband so much you selfishly don't want to lose what you have. That's GOOD :-)

But I think it's also a defense mechanism. It's a way of preparing yourself for the what ifs. It's a way of downplaying your own situation, so it doesn't hurt as much. This is why I did it.