Monday, March 17, 2008

Sometimes He knows exactly what to say....

I emailed Mike today while I was at work-just apologizing for crying and getting upset...although I don't need to apologize-because he knows exactly how I feel and why I get so frustrated and upset...

He responded and said....with as hectic and as stressful as our lives have been the last 6 weeks or so (meaning me changing jobs-and starting a HUGE project at my new job, him teaching and having a rough caseload, and family issues) I don't think we'd truly be ready for news like that....God is waiting for just the right time to let it happne for us so we can truly enjoy the time and realize what a blessing it is.

Sometimes he knows exactly what to say. Now-regardless of whether or not I find out that I am PG this cycle (my due date would be 12/1-by the way...why I figured that out-who knows) we would be absolutely THRILLED BEYOND BELIEF...maybe he's right...and God is waiting for just the right time to bring us that little bundle. But for now-maybe Daisy will just have to do-and we can spoil her rotten-like we have been. :)

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