Wednesday, September 23, 2009



That's how I feel the past week or 2 disconnected. From what? Everything. It seems so crazy and unbelievable to me that my life is going to change drastically in the next few months. And not in a small way-in such a HUGE way I will probably forget what its like to not have a little one. (At least thats what I'm told.)

I was watching the news this morning and they interviewed a couple that had their embryo's implanted into another couple. (Horrible horrific story-for all involved.) When the biological mother was talking about how she felt-she said disconnected. And it clicked with me-that's exactly how I feel about this whole situation. As a mother (which I think I kind of am at this point) you want what's best for your child. And as much as I love my little boy already, I feel so disconnected from him. And I hate it. I don't know if I would feel differently if I were closer to BM, and could talk with her more, and if I could feel her tummy and him kicking, and know how she was feeling. Or if I could go with her to her dr. appt's to hear his hertbeat and to see the milestones that he reaches every week. I don't know what would make it better-but I hate feeling like this. I know how I would take care of myself if I were pregnant. Is she doing the same things I am? (There are a few things-I know she's doing differently-but she could be doing MUCH worse-so I try not to dwell on it to much.)

I think another reason-I feel like this is because we have YET to get a definite due date. Her medicaid situation has not been taken care of yet-so because of that-no dr. will see her. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!!! Some clerical error is not her fault-and she is getting very frustrated and annoyed by the fact that she hasn't had her 2nd ultrasound to get a definite due date. So when we talk about going to get baby we get frustrated because we don't know when it is going to be. Is it November 10th, or December 2nd. Granted baby is going to come when baby is going to come-but BM has delivered within 3 days of her due date with her other pregnancies-so I'd like to think that we have an OK chance of making it for the delivery if we have a better idea of when that is going to be. So right now our BM is somewhere between 29 and 34 weeks's that for UP IN THE AIR!!

Please don't misunderstand the feeling of disconnected and not loving our little one. Because I do love him. SO MUCH. And I know that no matter how much I can say that now-the amount of love I'm going to have for him in a few months or weeks when he gets here is more than I can ever imagine. But I'm being honest in my feelings today...something that I need to do....after all its all part of this journey.


leah @maritalbless said...

I don't know if this will encourage you at all, but even carrying Isaac I felt detached from him. It's just such an abstract thought until the baby is present . . .

I don't doubt your love for him at all.

myrtle said...

I'm sorry you're feeling down. Is there something you and your hubby could do to keep you feeling like you're moving TOWARDS bringing that little guy home and not just sitting there twiddling your thumbs waiting? Maybe make something for him? Or write him a letter? Do you scrapbook? Could you work on getting some pages done ahead of time so you can just slap the pics on?

Anonymous said...

I felt similarly when I was carrying my son. So, if it helps you feel anybetter, mommy's feel that even when the baby is inside her. It has nothing to do with how well you will be bonded with your child when he comes.

Rachel said...

I am sorry :( I can imagine how it would be easy to feel that way. Praying you feel content ...

ps no doubts here about your love for that baby!