Thursday, July 16, 2009


I Know I have been an awful blogger...I think I have said that before...many times...truth is-time flies during the day-and at night-I'm busy doing other things-that I just forget to blog!

ANYWAYS!!! Our last Home study was last night-and we are HOME STUDY APPROVED!!! WHAT A RELIEF!!! OH MY GOSH!!! I never wanted to let myself think we couldn't be approved..but the realization is that everyone can not be for one reason or another. But regardless-WE ARE APPROVED!!! We officially are waiting for BABY R #1!!!

It's crazy, exciting, stressful, emotional time-but we are so so happy! It was almost 1 year ago to the day that we got our dx of infertility (azoospermia). It was July 21st. Who would have thought that almost a year to the date later we would be "expecting" our first miracle. God's plan is truly AMAZING!


Allie said...


Yeah, I played mind games with myself too, not assuming that we would be certified. Even when I saw the envelope from Agency, I was like, oh no, it's too thin. Oh no. I was such a dork - it was the letter and the copy of the order.

So yes, I understand the glee. Grats again! =D

osuraj said...

Congratulations! That is great news. I can't wait to see how things progress now.

RB said...

Congrats on this big step!

theworms said...


One step closer to holding your baby.

leah @maritalbless said...

Yay! How awesome!

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Congrats!! That is SO exciting...we have our final home study next week and I'm anxiously waiting to hear we're approved, too. :) Praying you have a baby in your arms soon! :)

Erica said...

Woo hoo! I know what you mean about the homestudy...because obviously no one goes into it thinking they are going to fail, right?! I totally had myself all worked up. YEA for you!!! Now you can start waiting. LOL Hopefully your wait will be short and sweet.
